Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why I Am in College Free Essays

Channy Dr. Broussard 02/19/2013 The reason why I’m in college is for to better myself by obtaining a degree in Elementary Education, to show my family that I can achieve a degree and for my children. I been out of school for twelve years so this was a big step for me. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Am in College or any similar topic only for you Order Now Trying to juggle college and working full-time is going to be a challenge. I am in college because it is the best way for me to get a high paying job. By going to school and obtaining a bachelor’s degree in education I will be doing what it takes to accomplish my goals. Pie- In order to become a teacher, I’ll have to go to a four year university, pass the Praxis, and the state board. Illustration- The information one learns in college classes will prepare them to teach because it provides the framework for future knowledge and growth. Explanation- Getting a degree is important to me because it allows me to follow in my mother footsteps and teach young children. In order to become a teacher, I’ll have to go to a four-year university, pass the Praxis, and the state board. The information one learns in college classes prepare them to teach because it provides the framework for future knowledge and growth. If I do not acquire this information I will be unfit to teach in a classroom setting. Getting a degree is important to me because it allows me to follow in my mother footsteps and teach young children. How to cite Why I Am in College, Papers

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